I booked my flight from Heathrow airport to Perth with one stop in Singapore, this journey was to be the first of many long haul flights for me. I never got used to the jet lag, but thankfully the thrill of flying never jaded!
It was exciting and daunting to think that I was off all alone on the first leg of my journey to Tasmania. I had no idea of where I would be staying or for how long I would be living in Tasmania, but I told myself, that could wait, I had other adventures to experience first.
It was different back then, the strict security rules hadn't come into play so the stress levels weren't as great, which made the travelling more pleasurable. Thankfully, on the flights I always had an enjoyable travelling companion, someone who was happy to have a chat, not too much to keep me awake, didn't keep switching the lights on and off and didn't want to share my seat as well as theirs!
I am blessed with the kind of persona that finds it easy to talk with strangers, and they with me, and the stories that were shared during those confined times were usually quite fascinating and certainly helped to pass the time.
Once I cleared customs and passport control, collected my two very heavy suitcase I excitedly walked, with a pounding heart out of the airport doors in Perth. I can still recall gasping at the wall of heat that hit me and the different air texture. I stopped and breathed in as much of this new land as I could in one breath.
I wanted to jump up and down and say, "Hey look at me, here in Australia, on my own, I've done it! I am here, this is amazing!" However I managed to suppress most of the above and had to be satisfied walking to the taxi rank with the biggest grin imaginable.
I always pre-booked myself into a hotel, because, for me, the worst scenario would be arriving in a strange place, tired, jet lagged and having to look for accommodation. I also found it such fun trying to decide which one to choose and in Perth I had decided on the Hilton.
I got such a kick out of saying that I had booked a room, yes non smoking, yes just me! I wanted to pinch myself, ME on my own, in Perth!
I confidently signed in, collected my key, and was told my cases would be delivered directly. Once they had arrived I poured myself an ice cool beer and started to run a bath, after relaxing for a while, I excitedly set off to begin exploring Perth.
I spent four wonderful days there, it is a beautiful place. One morning I took a train out to the coast and experienced some real Aussie kindness.
I was confused by the ticket system on the train station, when this young Aussie guy with his children offered to help and refused to take the money for the ticket, just wished me a g'day, how kind that was of him, it made my day.
I had decided to travel from Perth to Adelaide on the Indian Pacific train, and had already booked this before leaving the U.K. I had reserved a cabin on the train and the journey was going to take 3 days and nights, a wonderful way of viewing this amazing land
I arrived at the station, already wishing I hadn't packed so much into my two suitcases, a thought shared by the baggage people who instantly put HEAVY labels on both cases!
With ticket grasped in my now hot and sticky hand I started to look for my carriage, if I recall correctly it was O. I walked and walked, the train seemed never ending, as you can see from the picture, and it consisted (I have just checked) of 25 carriages!
Eventually I arrived at my carriage and went in search of my compartment. My first shock was on realising I was sharing it with another lady, for some reason I thought I would be on my own. But we soon got chatting and she kindly offered to pull my bunk down, and showed me where the small ladder to use to climb up into my bunk! Another shock!
My companion never actually ventured out of her room, she was a nurse returning home, and was enjoying the peace and quiet of the journey, reading and dozing.
I think she was very glad that I stayed in the buffet area most of the day. I had so much fun meeting people from all over the world,hearing their stories and couldn't believe it when two of the travellers revealed they came from Cornwall, a place I had lived in for twenty years, before starting my travels! A small world indeed.
Well I am going to stop there, I have been struggling with a chest cold and really have to succumb to the call of sleep. I hope you have enjoyed this instalment, there is a lot more to come :)
To order a copy of Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, the Earth Circle go to:
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