I booked my flight from Heathrow airport to Perth with one stop in Singapore, this journey was to be the first of many long haul flights for me. I never got used to the jet lag, but thankfully the thrill of flying never jaded!
It was exciting and daunting to think that I was off all alone on the first leg of my journey to Tasmania. I had no idea of where I would be staying or for how long I would be living in Tasmania, but I told myself, that could wait, I had other adventures to experience first.
It was different back then, the strict security rules hadn't come into play so the stress levels weren't as great, which made the travelling more pleasurable. Thankfully, on the flights I always had an enjoyable travelling companion, someone who was happy to have a chat, not too much to keep me awake, didn't keep switching the lights on and off and didn't want to share my seat as well as theirs!
I am blessed with the kind of persona that finds it easy to talk with strangers, and they with me, and the stories that were shared during those confined times were usually quite fascinating and certainly helped to pass the time.
Once I cleared customs and passport control, collected my two very heavy suitcase I excitedly walked, with a pounding heart out of the airport doors in Perth. I can still recall gasping at the wall of heat that hit me and the different air texture. I stopped and breathed in as much of this new land as I could in one breath.
I wanted to jump up and down and say, "Hey look at me, here in Australia, on my own, I've done it! I am here, this is amazing!" However I managed to suppress most of the above and had to be satisfied walking to the taxi rank with the biggest grin imaginable.
I always pre-booked myself into a hotel, because, for me, the worst scenario would be arriving in a strange place, tired, jet lagged and having to look for accommodation. I also found it such fun trying to decide which one to choose and in Perth I had decided on the Hilton.
I got such a kick out of saying that I had booked a room, yes non smoking, yes just me! I wanted to pinch myself, ME on my own, in Perth!
I confidently signed in, collected my key, and was told my cases would be delivered directly. Once they had arrived I poured myself an ice cool beer and started to run a bath, after relaxing for a while, I excitedly set off to begin exploring Perth.
I spent four wonderful days there, it is a beautiful place. One morning I took a train out to the coast and experienced some real Aussie kindness.
I was confused by the ticket system on the train station, when this young Aussie guy with his children offered to help and refused to take the money for the ticket, just wished me a g'day, how kind that was of him, it made my day.
I had decided to travel from Perth to Adelaide on the Indian Pacific train, and had already booked this before leaving the U.K. I had reserved a cabin on the train and the journey was going to take 3 days and nights, a wonderful way of viewing this amazing land
I arrived at the station, already wishing I hadn't packed so much into my two suitcases, a thought shared by the baggage people who instantly put HEAVY labels on both cases!
With ticket grasped in my now hot and sticky hand I started to look for my carriage, if I recall correctly it was O. I walked and walked, the train seemed never ending, as you can see from the picture, and it consisted (I have just checked) of 25 carriages!
Eventually I arrived at my carriage and went in search of my compartment. My first shock was on realising I was sharing it with another lady, for some reason I thought I would be on my own. But we soon got chatting and she kindly offered to pull my bunk down, and showed me where the small ladder to use to climb up into my bunk! Another shock!
My companion never actually ventured out of her room, she was a nurse returning home, and was enjoying the peace and quiet of the journey, reading and dozing.
I think she was very glad that I stayed in the buffet area most of the day. I had so much fun meeting people from all over the world,hearing their stories and couldn't believe it when two of the travellers revealed they came from Cornwall, a place I had lived in for twenty years, before starting my travels! A small world indeed.
Well I am going to stop there, I have been struggling with a chest cold and really have to succumb to the call of sleep. I hope you have enjoyed this instalment, there is a lot more to come :)
To order a copy of Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, the Earth Circle go to:
Barnes and Noble
http://bessdrewsherret.ca (website)
bessdrewsherret@faerywisdom (Twitter)
scarletina.quest@gmail.com (email)
I stopped writing my blog because I got tired of always looking back, so now I am going to combine past and present, much more fun!
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
The continuing journey of an author....
I had come to the end of my time in Ireland and felt it was time to move on. Ireland had been a safe refuge for me to experience life on my own. Having been with someone for 33 years, there was obviously some readjustments needed! Ireland was close enough from the U.K to encourage friends to come over and visit me, which they did and I loved taking them around this beautiful island and sharing some magical fun times with them.
Whilst there I became used to making my own choices, from what to eat, where to go, what to do, who to talk to etc. Living in a country that spoke my language was a great choice, it made these personal challenges a lot easier.
One of my biggest tests was learning to read a map, oh you may laugh, but I have NO sense of direction, apart from my innate one, which would say 'go that way' and 50% of the time it was right! It took perseverance,and the ability to laugh at my own ineptitude, but I succeeded in mastering the technique of map reading which gave me the confidence to drive anywhere.
Another huge step was plucking up the courage to go into an unfamiliar pub and order a drink and something to eat. When I first did this I always took a book (no such thing as an iPad then) as this gave off a do not disturb attitude (or so I thought). Eventually I became comfortable enough to go bookless :)
What did work in my favour was that I have a friendly disposition which, I am told, shows in my face.All the time I was travelling, I never once felt threatened or uncomfortable, people always seemed to want to help and assist me.
Once I have related my journey I will return to the places I visited and tell you some of my more amusing, interesting and adventurous experiences!
So next Australia! Why Australia? I meditated on a daily basis, that is the way I connect with my guides and angels, I suppose not everyone can relate to that, but I know that I wouldn't be where I am today, if I hadn't been able to work with them in this way. It isn't about just listening, its about learning to tell the difference between your own desires and wishes and those words given to you, not an easy task, and I made mistakes.
Australia was a daunting prospect, so I asked for confirmation from my guides that this was the place for me to go. Out of the blue a friend contacted me from the U.K saying that she had a feeling that Australia was going to be important to me... then Australia kept cropping up on the tv, magazines, books. You might say, well you were looking for them, but that is what, for me, it is all about. There are many ways for us to listen to guidance, again its the sifting of the chaff from the wheat that takes time and patience and effort!
So I began to think about what I would do in Australia, I always have to have purpose in my life, so decided that I would use the time to volunteer, what and where would come later. That night I decided to go online to try and get some idea about this country I was thinking about going to. Adelaide came into my mind, so I went onto their tourism site, at the bottom of the page in tiny writing it said 'come and visit Tasmania' though I read it as TANZANIA!! I can tell you I was pretty relieved when I realised my mistake :)
I clicked on the link at in huge letters my screen read THE YEAR OF THE VOLUNTEER 2001 TASMANIA, the final confirmation that I needed, I was off to Tasmania!
So next Australia! Why Australia? I meditated on a daily basis, that is the way I connect with my guides and angels, I suppose not everyone can relate to that, but I know that I wouldn't be where I am today, if I hadn't been able to work with them in this way. It isn't about just listening, its about learning to tell the difference between your own desires and wishes and those words given to you, not an easy task, and I made mistakes.
Australia was a daunting prospect, so I asked for confirmation from my guides that this was the place for me to go. Out of the blue a friend contacted me from the U.K saying that she had a feeling that Australia was going to be important to me... then Australia kept cropping up on the tv, magazines, books. You might say, well you were looking for them, but that is what, for me, it is all about. There are many ways for us to listen to guidance, again its the sifting of the chaff from the wheat that takes time and patience and effort!
So I began to think about what I would do in Australia, I always have to have purpose in my life, so decided that I would use the time to volunteer, what and where would come later. That night I decided to go online to try and get some idea about this country I was thinking about going to. Adelaide came into my mind, so I went onto their tourism site, at the bottom of the page in tiny writing it said 'come and visit Tasmania' though I read it as TANZANIA!! I can tell you I was pretty relieved when I realised my mistake :)
I clicked on the link at in huge letters my screen read THE YEAR OF THE VOLUNTEER 2001 TASMANIA, the final confirmation that I needed, I was off to Tasmania!
After the decision was made, excitement began to build as I went through the preparations for my departure. My family and friends were shocked to hear of my decision, questioned it, but once again I just knew that my choice to visit this distant shore was the right one. I returned to England and spent time with my family and friends whilst I applied for a visitors visa, researched Tasmania and planned my trip. Someone once said when you think of doing something and your heart sings, then do it, the thought of my next journey made my heart sing an opera, non stop :)
I hope you enjoyed this latest blog, thank you for visiting.
Don't forget if you are looking for a children's book offering lessons in accepting consequences for our actions in a way that children will easily relate to, respect for Mother Earth and her inhabitants, unique insights into woodland life, and entering into the magical fairy world of an endearing fairy called Scarletina then go to...
www.friesenpress.com/bookstore to order a copy of Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, The Earth Circle.
scarletina.quest@gmail.com for signed copies (Paypal)
Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Chapters.
Follow Scarletina on Facebook Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings
I hope you enjoyed this latest blog, thank you for visiting.
Don't forget if you are looking for a children's book offering lessons in accepting consequences for our actions in a way that children will easily relate to, respect for Mother Earth and her inhabitants, unique insights into woodland life, and entering into the magical fairy world of an endearing fairy called Scarletina then go to...
www.friesenpress.com/bookstore to order a copy of Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, The Earth Circle.
scarletina.quest@gmail.com for signed copies (Paypal)
Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Chapters.
Follow Scarletina on Facebook Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings
Friday, 13 February 2015
On my last blog I related my journey to Ireland, but before I take you onto the next step I have some other memories and thoughts to share with you.
I wrote and directed my first play when I was 10 years old, we rehearsed in the local wood, not sure I would be allowed to do that now! And it ended up with presenting our form teacher with an Easter Egg!
Reading books was always fun from an early age and I have to confess I ALWAYS read the last page(s) of any book I read.
Why I hear you cry? When I was younger I was distraught and devastated at the end of a book, when a character I had grown to love died.
It did not matter that this was fiction!
So I promised myself that this would NOT happen again, and resolved to read the ending of every book so that if someone was going to die, I would know about it.
Loved treading the theatrical boards, started around 22 years of age, and have been blessed with performing many wonderful roles, and a literary agent once said that she believed I write so well because of the amazing playwrights I have worked with.
From Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Miller, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Somerset Maugham,Edward Albee to Peter Nichols and Mike Leigh.
These wonderful writers taught me to hear the rhythm in their writings and to appreciate the masterful use of language.
Performing in theatre for many years was amazing, but my acting isn't confined to the stage I have always been a storyteller. Many a night I have left a party or dinner at friends and thought "OMG I talked too much didn't I?"
Thankfully I have always been invited back so I could never have been that bad, in fact a friend wrote to me the other week to say she really missed my stories, and she recalled how her stomach ached for two days after some of my tales!
Owning and running a cafe at a private flying club for many years, was hard work but lots of fun. I utilised the quiet times to learn my lines, and rehearsed my roles for the budding pilots with many coming to see our productions.
I took a Shamanic Healing course, which opened up a totally new way of thinking and being.
This is reflected in Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, the respect the fairies show to our Earth Mother, is following the teachings of the Native Americans and First Nations in Canada.
Shamanism gave me the insight and courage to open many doors, spiritual and earthly, that had previously only been knocked at. I would not be where I am today, if I hadn't gone down that particular path.
Travelling down many paths, I have learnt a myriad of things and began to think I was Jill of all trades, and mistress of none, but now I realise that all of these journeys helped write my book.
My beloved husband's nickname for me is Obi Two Kinobi .. yet that isn't that what we are here for? To learn from the life we live? To become wiser overcoming obstacles and revelling in the smooth path. It isn't always easy, changing my life at 50 was challenging, not the change, but what that change brought.
Writing Scarletina has given me the opportunity to let my imagination run riot, making up names for the fairies, flora and fauna living in Nightingale Wood.
Logic didn't have to come into it, or did it?
Oh the hours I spent making sure that something was 'feasible' and 'true.'
Children, though open and believing also have an intrinsic radar for untruths from an adult!It had to make sense, be truthful for me, they would then sense that honesty and enjoy the read!
The 'teachings' in Scarletina are there for adult and child because our perspective and understanding change. That is my belief, my perspective and if children or adults want to enter into my world then I welcome them with open arms, Scarletina's arms.
Oh my goodness I do digress, always have done lol... when I used to give talks I always said, "listen to me, because I digress and I will come back to you to put me back on my path!"
Well my very welcome readers, get used to me, I am trying to be more disciplined, sort of, apologies for grammar, left school at 14 so do my best, with everything I have learned.
okay you can find me (us says Scarletina) on...
Facebook ... Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings
Facebook.. Bess Drew Sherret
Twitter ..... bessdrewsherret@faerywisdom
email for signed books/queries scarletina.quest@gmail.com
Publisher.... www.friesenpress.com/bookstore
Also available at: Amazon, Chapters, Barnes and Noble as other options.
Thank you for visiting, blessings to you xoxoxo
I wrote and directed my first play when I was 10 years old, we rehearsed in the local wood, not sure I would be allowed to do that now! And it ended up with presenting our form teacher with an Easter Egg!
Reading books was always fun from an early age and I have to confess I ALWAYS read the last page(s) of any book I read.
Why I hear you cry? When I was younger I was distraught and devastated at the end of a book, when a character I had grown to love died.
It did not matter that this was fiction!
So I promised myself that this would NOT happen again, and resolved to read the ending of every book so that if someone was going to die, I would know about it.
Loved treading the theatrical boards, started around 22 years of age, and have been blessed with performing many wonderful roles, and a literary agent once said that she believed I write so well because of the amazing playwrights I have worked with.
From Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Miller, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Somerset Maugham,Edward Albee to Peter Nichols and Mike Leigh.
These wonderful writers taught me to hear the rhythm in their writings and to appreciate the masterful use of language.
Performing in theatre for many years was amazing, but my acting isn't confined to the stage I have always been a storyteller. Many a night I have left a party or dinner at friends and thought "OMG I talked too much didn't I?"
Thankfully I have always been invited back so I could never have been that bad, in fact a friend wrote to me the other week to say she really missed my stories, and she recalled how her stomach ached for two days after some of my tales!
Owning and running a cafe at a private flying club for many years, was hard work but lots of fun. I utilised the quiet times to learn my lines, and rehearsed my roles for the budding pilots with many coming to see our productions.
I took a Shamanic Healing course, which opened up a totally new way of thinking and being.
This is reflected in Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, the respect the fairies show to our Earth Mother, is following the teachings of the Native Americans and First Nations in Canada.
Shamanism gave me the insight and courage to open many doors, spiritual and earthly, that had previously only been knocked at. I would not be where I am today, if I hadn't gone down that particular path.
Travelling down many paths, I have learnt a myriad of things and began to think I was Jill of all trades, and mistress of none, but now I realise that all of these journeys helped write my book.
My beloved husband's nickname for me is Obi Two Kinobi .. yet that isn't that what we are here for? To learn from the life we live? To become wiser overcoming obstacles and revelling in the smooth path. It isn't always easy, changing my life at 50 was challenging, not the change, but what that change brought.
Writing Scarletina has given me the opportunity to let my imagination run riot, making up names for the fairies, flora and fauna living in Nightingale Wood.
Logic didn't have to come into it, or did it?
Oh the hours I spent making sure that something was 'feasible' and 'true.'
Children, though open and believing also have an intrinsic radar for untruths from an adult!It had to make sense, be truthful for me, they would then sense that honesty and enjoy the read!
The 'teachings' in Scarletina are there for adult and child because our perspective and understanding change. That is my belief, my perspective and if children or adults want to enter into my world then I welcome them with open arms, Scarletina's arms.
Oh my goodness I do digress, always have done lol... when I used to give talks I always said, "listen to me, because I digress and I will come back to you to put me back on my path!"
Well my very welcome readers, get used to me, I am trying to be more disciplined, sort of, apologies for grammar, left school at 14 so do my best, with everything I have learned.
okay you can find me (us says Scarletina) on...
Facebook ... Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings
Facebook.. Bess Drew Sherret
Twitter ..... bessdrewsherret@faerywisdom
email for signed books/queries scarletina.quest@gmail.com
Publisher.... www.friesenpress.com/bookstore
Also available at: Amazon, Chapters, Barnes and Noble as other options.
Thank you for visiting, blessings to you xoxoxo
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Where does the time go? Cannot believe it is Friday tomorrow! Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and I hope the weather will be kind to us all.
I realised I was being too ambitious planning on blogging three times a week, so my apologies for not writing a review on Wednesday, promoting the book really is taking so much of my time :)
So am going to continue with some reflections on the wonderful journey that brought me to writing and my new life in Canada.
I felt it was right to go back a few years, so that there is some sort of sequence to my blogging!
In August 1997 when I was 51 I amicably separated from my husband of 30 years. Though amicable, it was, of course, very emotional and sad too, but it was the right path to take and we have remained friends.
It was about three years later that I came to a life changing decision, which surprised many people, I decided to sell my house and travel!
I have to say this idea wasn't met with all round approval, people expressed their concerns, when I returned where would I live? Would I have any money left? Wasn't I scared of travelling on my own?
To all of these questions I could only answer with my truth, I just knew that I had to do it, it was as though I was riding the crest of a wave, I felt excited and apprehensive, but deep down was the absolute conviction that this was the right way to go.
I believed that my spiritual guides and angels were urging me to follow my gut instincts, so with that inner belief and trust, I set off in my Ford Fiesta with three suitcases, a map of Ireland and drove to Fishguard to catch the ferry to Rosslare.
Even now I can feel the thrill and excitement as I waited in line for the cars to begin boarding, I felt so empowered! I just knew that this was the beginning of a wonderful, challenging, thrilling and exciting adventure.
Well I am going to leave it there folks, just wanted to add that I have had a very exciting day, went to the Owl's Nest bookstore here in Calgary, and Michael the owner is going to be reading Scarletina, and if I get the thumbs up I will be doing a book signing there and reading to some little ones.
Thank you for visiting
Monday, 2 February 2015
Woke up to snow this morning!! Looked out the window and saw the big prints of a rabbit and magpies feasting on the bread I put out for them yesterday, lovely start to the day. Not sure if we'll be hearing from Scarletina today, so thought I would use this time to have a more personal chat with you all.
Scarletina was saying yesterday how she loves it that we can talk, that I believe in the Devic world, and I do! For me just because I can't see something, doesn't mean to say it doesn't exist, it might be that I am not skilled, perceptive or clever.
I can't see love but I know it is there, I can't see joy but I know when I feel it, so I try to remain open, like a child, to the many unexplained mysteries around me.
I have decided I am going to use this blog, not just to have it as a 'platform' for Scarletina and I to talk about our boo and fairy life, but to tell you something about me too, and believe me there is a lot to tell:)
So what made me write a children's story about a fairy. I have been drawn to writing but never really got around to it till I divorced and started on my travels (more about that later). I am not a great t.v. person, so wanted something to do in the evenings.
I bought myself a laptop and began writing. My first novel was entitled An Ordinary Woman, all about my adventures and travels.
That was just put in a drawer.
My next book, which is edited, but as yet unpublished, is a novel called Divine Inspiration with Chocolate. I am intending to get that into print, but have to wait whilst I promote Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, and write the second and third part of the trilogy.
Anyway, whilst I was living in New Zealand, I met a young six year old, who believed I had a fairy living in a velvet bag that I carried around me with. Her name was Scarlet, so when I decided to write something for her, I came up with Scarletina. Unfortunately she is now in her teens, yes it has taken quite a while for me to actually get down to the writing of it and then the process of publishing!
That was how my story began for Scarletina, will continue this in my next post, which is planned for this Wednesday,
Thanks for dropping in xoxoxo
Scarletina was saying yesterday how she loves it that we can talk, that I believe in the Devic world, and I do! For me just because I can't see something, doesn't mean to say it doesn't exist, it might be that I am not skilled, perceptive or clever.
I can't see love but I know it is there, I can't see joy but I know when I feel it, so I try to remain open, like a child, to the many unexplained mysteries around me.
I have decided I am going to use this blog, not just to have it as a 'platform' for Scarletina and I to talk about our boo and fairy life, but to tell you something about me too, and believe me there is a lot to tell:)
So what made me write a children's story about a fairy. I have been drawn to writing but never really got around to it till I divorced and started on my travels (more about that later). I am not a great t.v. person, so wanted something to do in the evenings.
I bought myself a laptop and began writing. My first novel was entitled An Ordinary Woman, all about my adventures and travels.
That was just put in a drawer.
My next book, which is edited, but as yet unpublished, is a novel called Divine Inspiration with Chocolate. I am intending to get that into print, but have to wait whilst I promote Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, and write the second and third part of the trilogy.
Anyway, whilst I was living in New Zealand, I met a young six year old, who believed I had a fairy living in a velvet bag that I carried around me with. Her name was Scarlet, so when I decided to write something for her, I came up with Scarletina. Unfortunately she is now in her teens, yes it has taken quite a while for me to actually get down to the writing of it and then the process of publishing!
That was how my story began for Scarletina, will continue this in my next post, which is planned for this Wednesday,
Thanks for dropping in xoxoxo
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