Thursday, 29 January 2015


I am so excited that I am going to be able to blog! My fairy friends in Nightingale Wood will be so surprised!

Actually Scarletina, this is my blog page, of course you will have your input, but as the author of 'our' book, it is my responsibility to let everyone know what an amazing story you have told me.

Sorry Bess, but we are having such fun, you have joined Twitter - bessdrewsherret@FaeryWisdom - and Goodreads, updated your website and even had time to write on Facebook, you have been so busy!

I have indeed, and my head is spinning somewhat, but this is what the promotional lady at Freisen Press has advised me to do.I did find it all a bit overwhelming to start with, but am taking it one step at a time. 
I never realised how much there was to do in promoting 'our' book, but it is worth the effort as you have told me so many wonderful stories about your magical life in Nightingale Wood.
Children will love reading about your escapades Scarletina.

I suppose you are talking about some of the scrapes that I get into aren't you Bess? I know that Tutty-Grandhill, my teacher at the Earth Circle loses patience with me sometimes, but she is very fair, and I do try to be good, but sometimes I just seem to have these adventures.

I know you don't ever intend to land yourself in hot water Scarletina, yet you seem to find ways to do it. I am glad that you have had your best friend Shantreel to always look out for you. 
So as this is our first post, I am going to finish now and say that if anyone wants to visit our website, then just click on the following and you will be taken there. 
Scarletina's Quest for Fairy Wings, The Earth Circle

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